layer of the stuff making kongelap look as though it had been the
scene of a freakish s:owfall in the middle of the Pacific, only 600
miles nortu of tne equator.
Villagers scuffed up the powder as they walked, and some tried to
orusn it off their hair and bodies.

Children, delighted with the

unexpected event, played with the snow.

Several people, like the

Japanese fishermen, tried tcsting the powder to determine just what
it was.
Sometime in the early morning the Rongelapese spotted a plane or

planes buzzing by the island.

Someone conjectured that the snow they

iad seen nad been dropped by the planes and that perhaps its purpose
was to kill mosquitoes.

kastward, on Utirik, the snowfall began 22 hours after the

It was lighter and described as "mistlike”.

That evening, as the sun set and darkness fell over Pongelap,

fallout ceased.

Whe powder now had reached a depti of about one 7

half inches and
at nignt|
night gave the island an eerie aspect.
in the



it rained,

Sometime earlier

The raindrops spattered the white powder,

and as it increased, rivulets of water carried the radioactive ash from

leaves to the yround, and from rooftops into water catchment tanks.
The fallout of Bikini's pulverized and irradiated coral reef had
ended~-but its long lasting effects had just begun to work.

tit 34 to il + 78
Thirty-four hours after the boww (li+34) the 28 Americans were
safely aboard ship.

Tuat sawe day, according to reports from the



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