E[Z°(y) ~ Z(v)] = 0
E[Z (vy) - Z(v) ]*

is a minimum.

(minimum MSE)


The actual equations to which Equation 7 leads depends on the assumptions
that have to be made on Z.
There are basically two situations, according
to whether or not the mean of Z(x) can be considered constant.
In the simplest case, the variable Z(x) fluctuates about a constant
value m, and it is natural to let E[Z(x)] = m for all x.
In the scope
of second-order stationary random functions, one could furthermore
assume that Z(x) has a stationary covariance

E[Z(x) - m]

[Z(x + h) - mJ] = CCh)

depending on the vector h only.

Then Equation 7 could be made explicit

in terms of C(h), leading to Wiener-Hopf type equations.

But in practice,

this approach has two drawbacks.
One is that m is unknown and has to be
replaced by an estimate; the other, noted for example by Matém (1960,
p- 51), is that when the data are available over a restricted region,
the covariance is in fact defined up to a constant.
For these reasons,

it is preferable to consider increments Z(X + h) - Z(x) which filter out
the unknown mean m, and work with the variogram

yh) = 3 E[ZGx +h) ~ 200) )?
The assumption that the increments are stationary to the second order--

called the "intrinsic hypothesis"--is less restrictive than the classical

stationarity assumptions on the process itself.

very effective.

2A; Vx, - x5) +y = ¥(x,; v)


And it has proven to be

Equation 7 then leads to the linear system:

i= 1,2,...,N



Where u stands for a Lagrange parameter and


¥ Ox, 5 v) = z J

v(x, - x)dx

is the average value of the variogram, when x; is the origin and the end
point x sweeps throughout v.
A more complicated situation is when Z(x) shows some systematic behavior,
as is the case with Pu or Am concentrations that tend to decline with

increasing distance from ground zero.

Then it is more sensible to model

Z(x) as the sum Z(x) = m(x) + Y(x) of a smooth deterministic function


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