worth noting that even at very high Pu activity levels (> 10°
uCi/m2), underestimation using the regression line does not seem to
be a problem.

The residual variance is 0.0834, and therefore under a Gaussian
distribution of the error, the Pu concentration may be predicted
within a factor of about

2 at the 68 percent confidence level,


a factor of about 4 at the 96 percent confidence level.

For FIDLER < 5,000, the correlation is only p = 0.22 and the regres-

sion equation is very different from that for FIDLER > 5,000:
log(Pu) = 0.6275 log(FIDLER) + 0.2372


(49 pairs) with a residual variance of 0.2126, 2.6 times larger than

for FIDLER > 5,000.



P(x) = log Pu(x),

(Pu(x) in pCi/m?)


F(x) = log FIDLER(x),

(FIDLER(x) in 10° cpm).

We model P(x) and F(x) as realizations of random fields on IR?

dimensional space) of the form


P(x) = POX) + €(x)

F(x) = F(x) + n(x),
where P_ (x) and F (x) stand for the "true" underlying fields, and ¢(x)
and n(x) for measurement errors, of zero means, constant variances, and
uncorrelated with P_(x) and F (x).
Hence, errors are assumed multiplicative in the arithmetic scale.
Constant variance and errors uncorrelated

with true values do not strictly hold even in log scale, but the situation is certainly better than in the original scale.

Furthermore, we can

think of different error variance levels for the ranges FIDLER < 5,000

and FIDLER > 5,000.

In the light of the preceding correlation study, it is reasonable to let

E[P(x) |F(x) ] =a F(x) +B




Select target paragraph3