the Word Processing Center.
We also express special thanks to Winnie A
Howard, NAEG staff; David N. Brady, NAEG/NTS Coordinator (Reynolds
Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc.); Evan M. Romney, University of
California, Los Angeles, Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine; Richard 0.
Gilbert, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories; Edward H. Essington,
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; to Margaret Schmitt, Robert L. Hitechew,
Richard H. Johnston, Robert R. Loux, John A. Koch, Robert W. Newman,
Troy E. Wade, and Mahlon E. Gates (Manager), Nevada Operations Office;

and to Gordon C. Facer, HQ/DMA.

Mary G. White

Scientific Program Manager
Nevada Applied Ecology Group

Paul B. Dunaway
Chairman, Steering Committee
Nevada Applied Ecology Group



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