(10-79) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT 1. WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 7. TASK TITLE 3, , 2. TASK NO. 13, REV. NO. 4. PROJECT NO.]5. DATE PREPARED QU BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE} 10. TASK TERM Begin: (mm dd yy) HP O410 03/31/80 Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program HA-02-01-02 6 CONTRACTOR NUMBER (om gdyx! (600003) 8. WORK PACKAGE TITLE 12. CODE 11. CONTRACTOR NAME Ena: (mm dd yy) 4 ‘ated Universities, I Associated Universities, Inc. Continuing open BNL 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Wame: Lasr, First, MI) (FTS No.) C.B. 14, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Name: Last, First, Mf) Greenhouse, N.A. Meinhold 666-4209 666-4250 or 4207 1S. WORK LOCATION (See instructions}: Mame of facility, City, State, Zip Code 16. Is thts task 17. Does this task include included in the any management Institutional Plan? services efforts? TF YES MNO DOvYes £XNO 18. TASK DESCRIPTION (Approach, relation to work package, in 200 words or less! A comprehensive radiological safety program will be maintained for the inhabitants of atolls in the Northern Marsnall Islands contaminated as a result of the U.S. Pacific Testing programs. The following items and services will be provided. a. Personnel monitoring and environmental sampling to provide data for BNL dose assessments and determination of’ radiological trends. b. Individual and population dosimetry based on actual measurements. The resulting data will be used to modify dose commitment predictive models so that they may more accurately reflect future trends. C. Continuation of diet and living pattern assessments parameters in long range predictive dose efforts. to update relevant Program activities in the coming fiscal year will emphasize the following: a. In vivo counting and urine bioassay of Rongelap and Utirik residents to determine dose commitments from environnentally-derived radionucldies at these atolls, and to better understand excretion kinetics among the Marshallese. do. Followup personnel monitoring at Enewetak to evaluate any change in radionuclide body burden associated with »1 year of residence on Enewetak Atoll. c. A final determination of radionuclide body burdens among the former re-~ sidents of Bikini Atoll. d. Continuation of analyses of transuranic nuclide excretion rates among worthern tlarshall Islands residents, and of transuranics and fission and activation products among Marshallese control groups who reside outside of 19. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER v 7 the fallout area. ts, “ /( Cl Yate on Charles B. Meinhold N.A, Greenhouse 03/31/80 {Signature} 20. DETAIL ATTACHMENTS: ; (see instructions! (Dare} (See instructions} RK) a. Facility Requirements Ka. Background iQ g. Future accomplishmants CO 1. Explanation of miiestones Mb. Publications Me. Approach (ln. Relationships to other projects Ck. Z8B Detall A) ¢. Purpose Bye. Technical progress gy. Environmental assetoment Ci. otner (Specify): IU) 0583 NA 02-48