DON ee ee ee eS . . Dit. Cware amwee Can aComd TMT RN Oh ONC eee Ba ee +amCa COOL Attachment lw A MIM ay CORPORA ION VES WOR m FON VICENTE BLYD BDCVERLY mers. CALIF CRNA sir CODE $C211 857-0430 . FV31 eau ow omrarcam OCC UPatiCma, mPa, ARSE TION #2 July 15, 1980 Gordon Stemple <torney at Law 9720 Wilshire Boulevard th Floor Beverly Hillis, California $0212 RE: Dear Mr. ‘Warshall Islands Stemple: At your request I have prepared a summary of my opinions en mv visit to the Marshall Islands. I was deeply impressed by the kindness of the people and by their gentleness and innate courtesy, and by the willingness of the vice speaker and the president to spend time with us and listen to us. My < these medical beckground should be set out so that opinions may be jucgec. I have practiced internal medicine for thirty-five years. I have been eccredited by the Atomic Energy Commission many yeérs ago to use redicactive isotopes in medical prectice for treatment of certain thyroid diseases, including hyperthyroidism, and in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. I think I was one of the first doctors to be so licensed for use of réedioactive isotopes in their office in Los angeles. There may have been ten or fifteen others of us at the same time. In preparaticn for this licensure I studied about Six months at UCLA, -taking courses in radioactive physics and radiation in general. 1 used radiocisotonres for the Giagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders up until about five years ago, when space became crowded and the large scanner and the cevoticn of a rocm in my office was