
Full hospital transcripts of every patient seen
at Tripler,

Brookhaven Institute,

the Cleveland ~

General Hospital, or at Guam should be obtained
and these full records should be returned to



for the investigation and the study of

physicians who need them for treatment.
It is
impossible for a physician to treat with best
results patients without fully knowing prior
records, and from my visit to the hospital I
learned rather clearly that the records from
HBawali or from the United States were not getting
back to the several physicians at the hospital,
thereby hampering their work.
All data in the possession of the AEC or Brookhaven on the radioactivity of the soil and most
particularly the foodstuffs of the island should
be revealed fully to the Marshall Island authorities.
A stucy of the migraticn of larger fishes and
birds between the islands possibly carrying
food-chain radioactivity should be undertaken.




understand lobsters migrate communally rela-

_ tively leng distances.) Tuna and large fish
swin from atoll to atoil.

am going to

state clearly however at this point

and in this context, that in some circumstences I have
not been impressed with the assiduity of the Trust Treaty
physicians or the Atomic Enercy Commission physicians.
For example, there was a general complaint of dinming
vision some five or six years ego on Utric, probably due
to an increased incidence of cataracts.
None of the
people from Utric that I spoke to told me that any physiClan examined their eyes in such a way as to be able to
recognize cataracts.

Instead I was told that two boxes

of eyeglasses were shipped to the island being of various models and frames, and the people were to ccme in and
choose whichever eyeglass seemed to help them.
And this
was the sum of the investigation and treatment of the eye
problems, -- of what I think is a unique epidemic of

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