1. 10 r/day

- Irregularly distributed over an eight hour
day, probably would not render a wit ineffective if received daily for 30 days or


25 r/week

- Received within one day per week, probably
would have no effect on combat ability for

8 weeks or more.


50 r/day

- Received for a week probably would not affect the efficiency of a fighting unit at

once, but some individuals would be incapacitated by nausea and vomiting.

4, 100 r/day

~ Probably would be acceptable for not more
than 1 or 2 days, after which incapacitation is to be expected.


200 r/12 brs - Can be regarded as equivalent to an instantaneous dose of 200 r.

The first item, 10 r/day for 30 days, represents a total of
300 r and an irreparable dose equivalent to about 60 r.


beyond 30 days will be contingent upon assessment of damage ascribed

to the total irreparable dose.

The 25 r/week schedule for 8 weeks

represents a total of 200 r and an irreparable dose of 4O r.


vagueness of the quantities cited is indicative of the real lack of

date for setting standards.
In theory, it is possible to assume an infinite number of conbinations of time-dose relationships.

Accurate medical descriptions

for all these conditions, however, are not possible.

For an exposed

population in a large fall-out area involving thousands of miles, the
bulk of the exposures are likely to be supralethal or sublethal, and
only a relatively small part of-the area affected will be in the uncertainty range regarding lethal and injury effects.

On the basis of large animal studies conducted by Trum and

Select target paragraph3