tropical, polar, etc.

Wind and weather conditions are allowed for.

A particle size distribution hypothesized by the RAND Corporation
is used.

Aerodynamic particle fall rates are used.

The method is

calibrated to the AFSWP-507 reported survey of CASTLE Bravo.


eause of the finite number of éHecs in the model, contours are
often lumpy and may involve artifact "hot spots".

A problem solu-

tion requires several hours by trained personnel.
Air Weather Service Method
The method is essentially s radex plot resulting in rough
sectors within which fall-out may be expected, together with
estimated times of arrival along vectors from ground zero for

particular altitudes from which it is assumed particles start
their fall.

The method does not generate contours, and thus is

not directly comparable to methods that do.

The plot can be

drawn in about 15 minutes by trained personnel.


Los Alamos Method
The method was devised for use during CASTLE in forecasting
the gross results to be expected from surface bursts of about 10
MI the northernMarshalls.
by direct yield dependence.

The plots are modified only

The effect of yield on initial cloud

geometry is not included, nor is the effect of the different
tropopause height of the middle latitudes from that in the’

The method gives very little detail anywhere and none

at all near,the origin.

It is not intended for use in detailed

post-shot analysis, but rather for radsafe planning.

A problem

solution probably requires about an hour for an individual familiar
with the method.

Navy Method
This method, which is based largely upon a radex wind plot, is
a system of weighing incremental square areas according to the

degree of fall-out expected, relative to one another.


It results

Select target paragraph3