by the average reading on a rediac instrument.

One such example would

be a ditch in an area with a surface wind of sufficient intensity to
blow particles into such depressions after the initial deposition of

Troops using these depressions for protection might be ex-

posed to more external ganma radiation than a meter in the open would

‘The beta activity in such depressions would also be rela-

tively higher.

If the fall-out occurred on a sea area, for example,

while troops are being transported on ships, the ships would be the
primary areas of high levels of radiation.

Fall-out material falling

into the water is somewhat soluble and in addition the majority of the
particles tend to settle with sufficient rapidity to decrease the radiation intensity to a non-hazardous level within a short time, whereas
the same amount of activity deposited on a land surface could be very
A discussion of the biological effects of radiation from a fallout area will be given in the section on hazard evaluation.

Suffice it

to say here that knowledge of isodose contours aids materially in the

Further discussion of the world-wide fall-out situation

will be given in other sections of this report.
The height of burst above the surface of the ground has a marked
effect upon the percentage of expected fall-out from a true surface

In previous examples, only contact ground bursts were considAs a rough rule of thumb, the percentage of total fall-out

available that is deposited within local contours is about the seme as
the percentage of fireball volume subtended by the earth.

Thus, for a

contact surface burst, roughly 50% of the available fission product
activity is deposited within localized contours.

Figure 11 indicates

the relative degree of contamination to be expected from near-surface
bursts as compared to contact surface bursts.

The general shape of

the fall-out pattern is seen to be approximately the same for a burst
very close to the surface as for a surface burst, but the level of
activity is different by the percentage indicated.


Table 2 has been

Select target paragraph3