product decay constant of ge,

As previously stated, the average

gamma energy of the mixed fission products varies with time, becoming
less during the first four days then gradually increasing dwring the
next several days.

It might be expected that random gross samples of

mixed fission products brought down as fall-out would have avout the
same decay rate and energy.

This is not found to be the case because

of the phenomenon of fractionation.
Fractionation depends to a large extent upon volatility, the solu-

bility, and other physical and chemical properties of the fission
products, both for the first elements of a decay chain and its subsequent radioactive decay products.

When a nuclear weapon is detonated

on the ground, the duration of the fireball and the chemical composition of the soil are the predominant factors in determing the composi-

tion of the fall-out particle.

The larger the weapon and the longer

time that heat is evolved in the fireball while it is in close proximity to the ground, the greater will be the effect on early formed
products, and particularly on gaseous elements.

Fractionation may take

place within the fireball of an air burst but the results are not as
apparent as for surface detonation fractionation.
When particles fall to the ground, whatever the effect within the
fireball, further fractionation is possible, due to the solubility of
the specific radioactive isotopes present and their compounds, as well
as the characteristics of the soil upon which the fall-out is deposited.

Some of the most fruitful studies on the movement of various ions of
biological importance through soils have been made by the Waste Disposal Group at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation .2L/

It was found

from a study of several elements that movement of ions by the mechanism
of adsorption and elution on the soil decreases with increasing acidity.
Further investigation revealed that the presence of phosphate ions in


Parker, H.M., Radiological Sciences Department Quarterly Progress
Report, Research and Development Activities, Hanford Atomic Prod-

ucts Operation, HW-34408, SECRET Restricted Data.

Select target paragraph3