radioactive particle, it is thus a function of the densities and diameters.
The second method of rain scavenging which accounts for a smaller
fraction of rain-out is the intermingling of an atomic cloud with a rain

The rain cloud in this instance gathers up bomb debris ocr other

contaminated particles into small droplets, which are then collected by
large water drops and brought to earth as radioactive rain.

This method

of cleaning the air is most efficient in particle sizes of about 1
micron but is capable of scavenging any particles that are less than 2
microns in diameter.

The mechanism of particle movement down from the stratosphere and
into the troposphere is. not understood.

In fact, it has not been

definitely ascertained whether any of the small size stratospheric

bomb debris has come to the ground.

Such data, when available, would

yield important information concerning the exchange of matter between

the stratosphere and the troposphere.

One tentative conclusion can be

if particles are so light as to remain in the stratosphere for

long periods of time, there is an increased chance of the harmful isotopes being dispersed; hence the reconcentration of these isotopes

would be unlikely.

It may also be concluded that particles small

enough to remain aloft for sufficient time to become a possible longrange threat are too small to be scavenged efficiently by rain when

they reach rain-bearing levels.
During thunderstorm formation, the rain cloud is sometimes swept

up to the tropopause where the cooled water particles form ice crystals
about any small debris or dust that might be in the air.

Because the

lower atmosphere air is drawn up into the cloud the ice crystals descend and ascend alternately wtil they become hailstones, or are
captured by raindrops, and fall to the ground during a thunderstorm or

hail storm.

Measurements of radioactivity in large hailstones from a

hail storm at Washington, p.c.,2/ following Shot 10 of UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE
List, R.J., The Transport of Atomic Debris from OperationUPSHOT-

KNOTHOLE, U.S. Weather Bureau Report, NYO-4602, June 1954, SECRET

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