key value for assessment of any current or projected situation for any

particular isotope is the so-called Maximum Permissible Concentration
or MPC.

For strontiwn-90 this is the maintained concentration which is

pelieved to be one-tenth of the minimal amount necessary to cause cancer
in an adult.

Recent Project SUNSHINE enalyses indicate that human bone

specimens are approaching 0.001 of the MPC.

Following the CASTLE series

of shots, iodine-131 was the urine of the Marshallese
natives, Service personnel, in the area, and e small number of individvals in the United States, but was maintained for only a short period

of tine.

GB The long-term strontium-90 hazard from air burst nuclear weapons
depends upon a world-wide distribution of the contaminant.

It appears

likely that the number of nuclear detonations, whether air or surface,
required to cause a world-wide long-term strontium-90 hazard would be

so large as to result in devastation of much of the habitable world
area. from the immediate destructive effects of the weapons.

In such a

case it is likely that any long-term effects on the population remaining

would be of secondary importance.


Select target paragraph3