formation has approximately eight times the number of disintegrations



per minuteas iodine-131. They are produced by decay of tellurtum135".
and tellurive-i3i, ‘Tespectively, in the approximately equal amounts of(rtneteleh
one gram each per kiloton of fission yield.


Iodine is found to become quickly available for human deposi-

Its metabolic pathway in the human will lead to approximately

20% of the amount received being deposited in the thyroid gland.
remaining 80% is excreted in a matter of several days.


The action of

this beta emitter upon thyroid tissue is in the nature of temporary to
permanent celluler damage and is an effect which is sensitive to dose
rate in addition to total dose, and hence to the high decay rate of |
dodine-131 and to the still higher rate of iodine-133 and other members
of the iodine decay series.


The rapidity with which iodine appeared in the urine following
a test detonation, coupled with the similar amounts present in animals
of different eating habits, suggested that inhalation rather than ingestion was the probable route of entry.

Further substantiation was

later established when masked personnel showed urine free of iodine
while ummasked personnel showed urinary radio-iodine prior to eating U/

Thus, it appears that leastinitially inhalationiodinedirectly

from the ambientairis the chief factor to consider.


As previously mentioned,excretion of the non-thyroid deposited fraction takes several days.

Thus, personnel briefly exposed

to lodine-131 would be expected to have a corresponding excretion

That this is not the case has been demonstrated recently.


curves reveal an 8-day half value time, which is the half-life of

One conclusion appears to be that iodine-131, once having

fallen out, remains for many days in the immediate environment.


it would remain hovering over an area for weeks in a stable atmosphere
is deemed unlikely.

Either of two alternatives is more acceptable:

47/ Trum, B.F., Lt. Col., V.C., Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies,
Personal communication.



Select target paragraph3