ratio, the current value will be maintained at 1.0 Sunshine Unit if the
environment allows strontium-90 to be incorporated at the same rate which
provided the current 1.0 Sunshine Unit.

If the amount of strontium-90

available decreases with time, then as a child grows it will lay dow
relatively more calcium than strontium-90, and the Sunshine Unit value
borne by the child will decrease.

Thus the uncertainty relative to

the continued availability for uptake of the strontium-90 created in
past detonations but not yet deposited is still an unsettled problem.

Evaluation of the SUNSHINE Model Hazard Calculations.


Sunshine model listed six parameters necessary for assessing the

strontium-90 hazard on a world-wide scale.

Since the time this model

was constructed, additional data have been collected so that it is
worth while to re-examine these factors in the light of more recent

ofstrontium-90, requires drastic correction.

tion is as follows:


In summary, the situa-


50-90% of gross fission product fall-out is accounted for

locally for land surface bursts.

of 60% appears reasonable.

For purposes of calculation, a figure

It will be recalled that the SUNSHINE model

assumed @ high air burst, which would involve a negligible local deposition of fall-out.

Less than 2% of the gross fission products created in

detonations to date have been accounted for in world-wide fall-out.

One-third of the expected amount of strontium-90 on the

basis of uniform distribution relative to other fission products was

observed 80 miles downwind after the first CASTLE shot.

The world-wide gummed peper fall-out collections by the

Atomic Energy Commission are, on the average, three times enriched in
strontium-90 over the content in a normal gross sample of fission

A British calculation estimates 20 MI of gross fission


Select target paragraph3