eance of this level in terms of hazard remains to be considered.


will be discussed below, the still more important problem of the significance of exceeding the MPC is quantitatively incapable of definition
at present.

The RAND Project SUNSHINE Report created an idealized model
for calculating the long-term hazard due to strontium-90.

The essen-

tial sections needed for the problesas considered in this report are

quoted below:

"Neglecting the question of biologically effective dosages,
the parameters necessary for assessing the hazard on a world-wide scale


The fraction of strontium-90 available for distribution

as a function of type of weapon, condition of burst, and meteorology.
"We assume high-altitude bursts, with the immediate area
of ground zero receiving no more than its proportional
share of the fall-out debris....."

(Uniform world-wide

distribution of the available strontium-90.}

Atmospheric or other natural storage mechanisms which

might allow appreciable strontium-90 decay before it becomes available

to humans.
"Whether strontium-90 is stored in the atmosphere or in
the biosphere, this consideration is not likely to increase our estimate ....” {of the number of airburst bombs
to create a world-wide hazard).... "by more than a factor
of two.


Availability of strontium-90 in debris for transfer to

the biosphere.
"We believe the bulk of the strontium-90 to be plated out
on the surface of the debris particles and also scavenged

out in solution by rainfall."

{On this assumption}...."it

should be readily available for take-up by the biosphere.
If our reasoning is incorrect and the strontium-90 is con-


Select target paragraph3