
The exeretion rate is quite important.

A single dose in-

gested will be 50% excreted in approximately two weeks and 95% excreted
within a year.

The variously estimated 2-5% remaining may be considered

permanently fixed in the bone.



Strontium-90 has a half-life of 20_to-30-years and decays

through the radioactive isotope yttriun-90 to the stable element

zirconium-90 by twobetaemissions.

Strontium-89 has a half-life of

55 days and decays by a singlebetaehiission’to stable yttrium-89.
A graphical comparison in Figure 2) shows that the strontium-89/
strontium-90 ratio of initial intensities is approximately 130/l.


this is reduced by a factor of 2 to take into account the two to 1 ratio
of beta particles emitted per disintegration by strontium-90, it results
ina 65/1 initial radiation intensity ratio.

This ratio by virtue of

the relatively long half-life of strontium-90, may be considered as
being reduced by a factor of 2 every 55 days.

The curves in Figure 21

indicate the relative intensities of strontium-89 and strontium-90
present at times after deposition in bone assuming the limiting extreme

of immediate deposition after detonation.

With proper graphical pre-

sentation, the areas under the curves give the relative proportions of

strontium-89 and strontium-90 radiations that will occur in the bone.
Calculations based upon the above considerations indicate that
strontium-90 will be the greater contributor of the total dose to

Pathway Through the Biosphere.

Some qualitative and quanti-

tative understanding of the behavior of strontium-90 as it passes
through the physical er.vvironment is necessary in order to interpret

the data relating to pathway through the biosphere.

No significant

studies have appeared which suggest that inhalationpathway into
the human is important.

Therefore, the mechanical and biological

transport of strontium-90 through the food chain will be given primary

Intake of water contaminated with strontium-90 will

be considered as augmenting the food chain.

Select target paragraph3