Feb. 2 1953



active material left behind

the "wake" of the ascending vortex-ring.

Compared with

the scale distance (ground to tropopause, about 55,000 feet) the fireball is not large

and the bomb material and heated gases have a chance to form a structure, the mushroom
top, that has a relatively long life. It is quite otherwise with MIKE shot.
the fir:
ball diameter is now an appreciable fraction of the scale distance, its top, at form
ation extends into the middle troposphere and its energy content is huge. It is quick

- transformed into a fiery colum (I called this the primary stem) which immediately pene
trates the tropopause and does not come into equilibrium with its environment until it

has reached 134,000 feet or, as I suspect, greater heights.

Probably no ring vortex is

formed, but only a "plume" which later hangs and is deformed in the stratosphere.


that region it probably becomes very stable in stratification and has a long life-tistor
The greater energy of this fiery cataract sets up a secondary circulation in the
surrounding atmosphere below the tropopause. Huge volumes of outside air are entrained
in this circulation, comparable now in size, though not in intensity, to an incipient
typhoon. The sudden formation of the thick secondary stem and its streamlined
features indicate that it and the mushroom top consist of condensed water from air outside the primary stem, constituting a circulation induced by the latter. In the mushre
there are other materials beside air and water vapor of course. Coral fragments ané
condensed steam from the ocean ere probably swept up initially ani later heavy bomb
particles may fall from above or be incorporated in other ways. A very elementary
calculation, however, shows that the mushroom consists of material that could not
possibly heave all come from these sources or from the original bomb material. It is
precisely because the mushroom cloud is not primary, but is the visible part of a
secondary circulation, that it is confined to the troposphere; this ompiains also why,
it appears to advance so rapidly in a lateral direction.
The operational implications of this hypothesis are interesting.

The dangerous

part of the total Cloud will be in the stratosphere, but here the column should be reaSonably narrow. An aircraft flying above the tropopause ought to be able to avoid too
close proximity to the plume, provided appropriate parachutes are developed for the dro

There remains the hazard frem the mushroom, which under certain conditions could be gre
chiefly through secondary contamination.

If the above hypothesis is sound, the best

operational level for the drop aircraft would probably be 65,000 or 70,000 feet.


being difficult to achieve at present, it would probably not be serious if the aircraft
was overtaken by the lower edge of the mushroom at, say, 30 miles and 40,000 feet, for
if the hypothesis holds, the major concentration of contaminants outside the primary
stem and plums, would be in the mushroom just below the tropopause, I presume you heve
information on this,
As you can see, the evidence upon which the report was based is simply that which
any observer of MIKE shot could collect. In the light of your more detailed knowledge
you should not put too much weight on it. I Have seen no photographs and am relying en

tirely on memory of the events, a notoriously unreliable proceeding.

However, the theo:

retical reasons for believing thet MIKE was altogether a different and new geophysical
phenomenon are well founded,
Sincerely yours, '


Professor of Geophysics

CEP: ehm

i, we 8 ee


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