~15hazards of strontium-90, have disclosed that nowhere in the
world are there concentrations of this isotope remotely
approaching hazardous amounts.

The average concentration

observed in human bone is less than 1/10,000 of the concentration which might be expected to show ill effect on
human beings.

The highest concentrations found in any

individuals are less than ten times tne average.

Elaborate precautions are being taxen to limit
Significant fallout to the uninhabitei danger area sur-

rounding the Eniwetox Proving Grounds.
Information on radioactivity on inhabited atolls
in the Marshall Islands will be obtained rapidly and transmitted to the Task Force Headquarters.
Should there be significant fallout on an inhabited atoll, monitors will advise the inhabitants regarding basic emergency measures,

and the


could be moved away from the atoll quickly if such action
were considered necessary.
Ocean water and marine life will be analyzed
for radioactivity, and measurements of radioactivity will
be taken within the United States and


in other parts of

Select target paragraph3