Bruce nacne -Z¢ (4 ly 23, 1979 pressing needs in personnel monitoring areas and to ie-emphasize environmental monitoring in our program. We expect to continue a small effort devoted to the sampling of soil and food chair-related terrestr:al biota and measurements of external radiation at standarized sites to record the decline in environmental radioactivity. We also expect to re-establis: our continuous air sampling programs at Bikini, Rongelap, Utirik and Kwajalein f>llowing necessary equipment repairs. Objectives The primary objective of the program is the de inition of doses and dose commitments to people living on contaminated islands in the Northern Marshalls. This will be accomplished by the direct measurement f internal gamma emitters through in vivo counting and by urine bioassay for 9'sr/9°y and transuranic nuclides, as well as for gamma emitters. Urine bioa: say data will be used initially to measure excretion rates for all radionu lides of interest, and then to estimate body burdens for specific radionuclides ].y incorporating the excretion rate data into accepted metabolic models for those n.clides. As an independent check on the results of the diet pattern studies, ex retion rate and body burden data will also be used to estimate radionuclide intale rates. Body burden, intake rate and excretion rate data will also be used co quintify dose commitments for internal emitters. The external dose components wil: be estimated by incorporating external exposure rate data for a given atoll into an empirically determined living pattern model. At this point, our personnel monitoring efforts are focused on the relocated Bikinians, for whom we expect to have individual and population dosimetric information essentially completed by the end of FY 1979. It is expected that the results of this effort will be reported directly to OES and ; ablished in the journal HEALTH PHYSICS. Preprints of all publications will «also be sent to all other interested parties within DOE and its contractors. he also expect to follow the decline of body burdens among the Bikinians for at least another year. Similar personnel monitoring efforts are currertly underway for the residents of Utirik and Rongelap. We also anticipate an opportunity to determine "baseline" radionuclide body burdens for the Enewetakese currently residing at Ujelang. To these ends, a personnel monitoring field trip is ; lanned for August-September 1979. ac ceo cm on C7 Our program will require an average of about tuo Field trips per year. At this time, space limitations on the Liktanur II appezr to limit joint field trips with BNL Medical. However, it would be highly desireble to arrange this in the near future. Such joint trips would minimize costs to DOE and perhaps more importantly minimize the disruptive sociological impzect of field trip visits on the people of the Northern Marshalls.