*\. _# : mezAA ie, RERF Hh H RHR FR A Mh RADIATION EFFECTS RESEARCH FOUNDATION ~ 4 Telephone: 0822 61-3131 HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI RERF Hiroshima, Japan A Cooperative Japan — United States Research Organization H #& 4 fil FF RFR 5-2 Hijiyama Park, Hiroshima 130 IK Gh ti fe wali 4asia 5 a 2 4i} GRRSBtUEH Cable Address: APR 144 1980 ACHE gs MR March 28, 1980 ‘ 4 Victor P. Bond, MD. Associate Director Brookhaven National Laboratories, Inc. Upton, New York 11973 Dear Dr. Bond: ; 1 It was a pleasure to have been able to speak with you during your recent trip to Japan, and I hope your return trip to the U.S. was a pleasant one. You indicated that in addition’ to the Marshall Island project, there might exist the opportunity for me to participate in some other research going on at Brookhaven. My laboratory interests center around radiation and immune system interactions, as well as carcinogenesis, particularly radiation carcinogenesis. My interest in carcinogenesis is at the cellular and subcellular levels as well as at the intact organism and population levels. Perhaps you could briefly describe the current work in these areas now being done at Brookhaven, or alternatively, ask investigators in this. area to briefly describe their work with a few references. I am now in the process of making some initial inqiuries concerning clinical radiotherapy and will keep you posted on any developments along this line. Sincerely yours, A la no J hn Pinkston, M.D. |Radiation Effects Research Foundation 5-2 Hijiyama Park Hiroshima 730, Japan