im North B-23 D of B-22 B-21 /a B-20 . d Y? B-19 c B-18 Ss B-17 oH B-14 B11 B-12— A B-15 B-13 Figure 1. Bikini Atoll showing assigned island locator letters and number locations of nuclear tests, and soil-disposal sites. radionuclides, such as 238pyu, 239py,-240py, 24lpu, and 241am persist in 1 atoll‘s environment. They are accumulated to different levels by indigen. terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals that may be used as food by peo In the marine environment, the contaminated lagoon sediments are tl! major source of man-nade radionuclides for fish and other marine organis In 1977, we initiated detailed studies at Bikini Atoll] to define the physi chemical, and biological transport mechanisms and the fate of transuranic other long-lived radionuclides in this environment. A variety of species fish was collected for radionuclide analysis. One objective of our stud was to provide an updated assessment of radiological dose to individuals the marine food pathway, fish being one of the major marine-food product: 2008558