
new schedule for your information. We shall find a driver so we can use our

boston whaler. But if you plen to draw any fuel here on Kwaj. it would be considerate
to make the arrangement in advance. What little I need they let me have, but in

Maroh we may be closer to the bottom of the jug.

TT has a little more leverages

than the Army, so I am considering buying my gasoline on Fbeye. The Kerosens

for Rongelap

we did buy there.

I bave made arr
Phys th Kwaj. hosp. to do my blood sugars. But after the
September survey thet
ed as if they were going to move the trailers each day,
and I was needed at the hospital so I worked there instead and figured on doing
the blood sugars from the trailer when we had moved them. Well,nobody here





rides on the day they talk about s.ddling the horse. I shall get it done in

January when I have peace of mind about Rongelap. Jonni is on Ebveye still.
By word of mouth I have heard that the operation specimen was clean, so what

the Pap smears were about I know not. The one they took in Majuro came back
with an unequivocal diagndsia of carcinoma. I wonder if somebody on Hawaii is
walking around with a spurious clean bill of health?
1 went to Majuro hospital
I think I have all the drugs I need for the survey, We must bring
supplies. I have brought dressing material and sneakers for him each time,

I think he is better, but even if he ia not, he is emotionally a different

person just because we bother.

I shall reread all of your letters and make sure that I follow up on your
requests. I read the the one with the good news that John Bateman was comeing and
the one with the bad news that he was not coming on the same day , :
Thanks for all your letters, Bob. They help me keep the faith when the spirit is

weak and the flesh is unvilling.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

All the best,from


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