the internal affairs of Micronesia; but in this case I would rather be dammed for

Going something about it than for not doing it. I don't know the conditions in Fiji
but they can't possibly be worse and you see what happened there.
But for all the frustrations it could have been a nice trip. The weather was

unusually calm for the season, and we had good company. Reva.

, and


were on board, as were —
mother had died and
he went to Wotje to visit the grave. Also we became acquainted with the veatherman
from Majuro who did maintenance on the stations at Wotje and Utirik.
I have one more piece out of Joseph Conrad before I turn to business. After all
this is a chrietmas letter, and I have to tell about the silver linings. Monday
we had a call from ~
. 8 people from Rongelap had showed up in their
shall boat to do christmas shopping. As they they did the last time, Global
people leaned over backwards to help them. They flew them down from Rof,
even changed their plene schedule a little to allow for loading of all their

goods. Also,


Was extremely helpful. They wanted so much (e.g 150 breads)

that I could not go out and buy it all and pretend it was for me. So
called around and twisted arms and arranged for all they asked for. Still I
think it was nice of

. They could have told them to go shopping on Ebeye.

I got them a new chart. They muat have had a thousand pounds on board. On their
way back they ran out of fuel. The sea is very rough (the trade winds are steady

at about 20 knots) and they had some engine trouble. Thank Cod they brought a
walkie talkie (thie is the first time they have done that) and Foeye picked up

their message, and Yap Islander was shipped off to refuel them. They expect to

make contact in the morning.

Bits They

etre Lovin Aud




I have talked to Jim Pualua. You can have his LCU but you must write Bistad about

it. I think it will be cheaper than Militobi, and if not better, at least cleaner.

If you charter Militobi, please set an upper limit on the mumber of passengers they
may book. 150 men, women and children using the same clogged, toilet makes it

rather unpleasnt in the cabin section. Considering that they! carry 70 life veste
you could probably agree to take some 20 people in addition ''to the team and
the crew. Of course, en the LCU you won't have that problem, On the other hand
there are many people on Ebeye who count on going north with ua. For them it will
be a disappointment if we go on our own on the ICU,

KMR would rather not charter us their ICU. The schedule is tight and the fuel

allocation tighter, But if we get desperate they will do tieir best. So it was
not a flat no.

They promised me at the TT office to Jet me know if a plane should go to Bikini.
Two days later, they sent one to evacttate a patient. No word: to me. I could even

have been of some help. Of course

been awkward, but they did not eveh
an emergency for them to eend a

‘Rongelap people were hire, eo it would have

tell me. Tue to the fue'| squeeze it takes
up there now. |




The equeeze is noticeable. They have reduced the water taxtt) to Ebeye. I send the

| wa


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