
father is the new reverend. He was on the ship with wife and daughte.

a ison Ujae. Rev.

from Rongelap was also on board, He will

be on Wotje for some years, They ship them ermound. Maybe they use their sermons
over again atthe new place.

I visited
« She was in good shape, but had not nursed the beby. She was
fed jackaroo and rice vater. We had some canned milk, and I gave her baby vitamins.
The kid was normal and developing normally as far as I could see. She was pale,
but I had given my pediatric FeS0, away at Ailuk, and of course there there
Was no suck


in the dispensary. What they dont have would make up an

excellent first aid kit.

was well supplied with synthroid and

claimed she was taking it religiously.

Our houses were allright. Ian lives in one of them. They had brought in lumber

for a new school hause, so Andy now has supplies without stripping pore of our walls
Wednesday morning we got out early to greet Mejit, only to learn that the

ship had been ordered on a medical evacuation to (you guessed it) Rongelap.

Now we had a double race with time - thought the patient was in extremis it was one of
eranddaughters who had dysehteria, but also ve had to

make it to Kwajalein with her early Thursday morning before they closed the area
for a mission. It vas a calm day. Ezra and I took the boston whaler ashore

from way out, and wet the ship again at the passage.

I bought the last four

bags of Bice on board ( they had been destined for Mefit) and took along for

shore. O: the way in we met the community boat with
. ot al, They had been to
Bikini shopping and knew nothing about the whole excitement.
It was

baby. She had not been mursed,

hed weaned her in the puerperiun

and taken the first boat to Ebeye.
old mother was in charge and the kid
was starved more than sick, although she had watery stools. Liv and I fed her 1100
ml of milk during the next 12 hours. That place of
faa sight! If I had
to come back to that each night I wouldn't feel like working either, I crawled
under that hut and 1007 kids in all ages were crawling with me and there

and .
were sitting and nursing their babies (If only they could have spread
it around and let
kid share we could have been apared the trip), and
the grandgrandacther was sitting there with unseing eyes and fanning the baby.
It was a sight of udder profusion. We grabbed the kid and some butterfly

needles and transfusion unite from the dispensary and headed back for the ship.

As it happened = ve didn't have to give the transfusions. It is my shortest visit

to Rongelap so far.

At Ewajalein it was decided the ship had to go back to Majuro and pick up

copra bags. Then it would repeat the interrupted field trip before going

west and to Rongelap. I heard on the radio that they reached Mejit todey.

It means that those passengers have been on that deck for 6 mEXH weeks. And here
T am sitting in an airconditioned room and complaining.

As I have said before, it is not that I cannot take it for a while, but I
cannot base a lifetime program on wasting nine days out of ten.

If you have an attentive ear somewhere in the Interior Dapt. hammer it home to
him that these field trip operations are a travesty of service, and so


devoid of safety considerations it is outright oriminal. when disaster strikes
United States will be blamed for it. I know the spiel about not intefering in

S05! yb5


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