aboard ships 3,000 feet or closer to Umbrella saturated during the first major dose rate pean
should be noted. Maximum dose rates
0.35 minute have been esti-

mated by Project 2.1 from the records of instruments shieldedbelow decks (Reference 86).
The cumulative dose at various times after zero time has been calculated by numerical
integration and is presented in Table 3.9. Despite the higher peak dose rates observed during

Umbrella, the average total dose for downwind stations closer than 12,000 feet is approximately
two to three times higher for Wahoo than for Umbrella because of the longer surge transit times.
The fact that many of the close-in Stations on Umbrella overturned has little effect on the rela-

tive magnitude of the cumulative dose, since all these coracles received most of their total dose

prior to the estimated time of overturn. A rough check of all GITR records demonstrates the
observed dose rates to be consistent with a base surge containing
fission product activity available. As indicated later, the assumption that the radioactive base surge from an underwater detonation disappears Solely by a process of decay appears justified for estimates of tactical hazards during the first 15 minutes after detonation.
To limit weather deck exposures
a combatant ship must remain
downwind of Wahoo and
downwind of Umbrella. Closer upwind and crosswind approaches
without exceeding these total weather deck exposures are of course possible, but, due to the
unpredictability of close-in phenomena, these closer approaches must be determined by careful
operations analysis. Another important tactical consideration in problems involving ship maneuvers immediately upwind of a receding surge is the possible existence of relatively invisible
radioactive remnants streaming behind the visible surge. Al] radiological observations, however, indicate that base surge is the controlling tactical problem and that waterborne radioactivity is definitely of secondary importance. The passage of radioactive foam is, however,
presumed to cause the spikes (Appendix F) in dose rate of 3,000 to 6,200 r/hr between 5 and 15
minutes observed at some crosswind coracles and would represent a serious hazard to small


Any more detailed comparison of the gamma dose rate records with various features of the

base surge requires the application of some correction for radioactive decay and the adoption

of some formal means of estimating the combined effects of surge irregularities, radial expansion, and local surface winds. Because of the limited data available, no proper Solution to any
of these problems exists. The observed gamma dose rates are corrected to 1 minute after

zero time by applying the standard decay correction (Ficure 8,5) to dose rates read off the std-

GITR record (unless otherwise noted) at intervals of a tenth of a minute. The resuiting curve
cailed the normalized dose rate has been superimposed as a dashed line on each gammarecord
and is also used in Section 3.3.1. The approximate effect of surge movement and irregularity
ata given coracie is estimated from base surge photography as previously described. Two
representations of the approximate base surge position—-the boundary plot and the transit plot
(Appendix F) to be described later——are presented with each gamma record together witha
number of tables summarizing important information and assumptions relevant to that particular record.
The application of a single decay curve (Figure B.5) to obtain the normalized rate curve is
considered justified, since the principal clouds of airborne radioactive material appear to have

been small enough to be seen as a whole by the std~GITR.

The resulting normalized rate curve

is useful for studying surge dynamics where radioactive decay is simply an additional and irrel-

evant complication. It cannot, however, be considered as accurate as the observed gamma
dose rate because of possible deviations from the standard decay curve and because of unavoidable mathematical approximations used in its determination. Although the normalized rate
curve is sometimes continued after passage of the base surge, its use for other radiating
Sources is not justified. The cumulative dose under the normalized rate curves has also been
calculated for various times after zero time by numerical integration and ts presented in Table


Because of complications due te waterborne sources, the calculation of the camulative

normalized dose is stopped as soon as the gamma record indicates completion of surge transit.
Although the cumulative normalized dose contains a number of inherent inaccuracies, tt may be


Pages 125 & 126



Select target paragraph3