CONTENTS ABSTRACT- -------- 7-2 een re tn er rr en ee crete eee nees 5 PREFACE --------- 2 - eno nnn nn nn en een en eee eee 6 INTRODUCTION ------------- eee eect ct ects cens 23 1.1 Objectives ------------- 2-2 ee te cr ct cee treet rer rere eres 1.2 Background- ~---------------- 2-2-2 eer ee nee et er er eee ee 1.3 Theory--------------- 2-22 -ee een eter er eee nr ee eee ene ee 1.3.1 Components of the Radiation Field --------------+----+--------- 23 24 25 31 1.3.3 Supplementary Measurements - - ~---------~----+----+------>-- 39 CHAPTER 1 1.3.2 Properties of Moving Fields - -------+----~----+----+----+---- 37 PROCEDURE ------------- 2c cece ttn ttre eter ene 2.1 General Operations and Shot Participation -------------+------------ 48 Gamma-Intensity-Time Recorder (GITR)----------+-----------Underwater GITR ----------~--- 2-2-2 2 e ne tere renee eters High-Range GITR -------------- 23-22 ene creer ene ene Incremental Fallout Collector --------+----+-----+-+-+-+-+------Film Packs --------------+- 2 --- ene ene ee en rene nee eee Supplementary Fallout Collectors- ---------+----+---+---------- 55 55 57 57 57 60 2.2.8 GITR Tape Readout ----------------------- seer eee ee2.3 Special Operations ------------------ 2-2 ec eee eee een eee rere 65 65 CHAPTER 2 2.1.1 Shot Wahoo- - - ---------- 2-2 ee ec cee ee center rc eere ces 2.1.2 Shot Umbrella- ---------- 2-2-2 2 eee cere ee en eee nner eee 2.2 Instruments - ------------- eee cece ete ee en eet cree er eee ee- 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 Instrument Control --------------- 2-22 e eee ee cece ee ee eee 48 52 53 55 83 2.3.1 Calculation of the Deep Moor- ---------------------e eee ree 2.3.2 Properties and Placement of Coracles -------------------+++-+-- 67 72 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ---------------------+------- 76 3.1 General Description of the Data ----------+----+-----+--+---------- 3.1.1 Data Reduction ---------------+------2---- 22-22-22 eee eee 3.1.2 Data Obtained from Other Agencies -------------------------- 3.2 Early Gamma Radiation --------------------+-----------+----- "6 "9 83 83 3.3 Gamma Radiation Fields Resulting from Airborne Radioactive Material ---- - 89 3.3.2 Free-Fleld Dose Rates-- -------------+--2- eer ere ere cree ene 113 3.3.1 Deposited Radioactive Material ------~----------+---- ere cree 105 3.3.3 Free-Field Isodose Contours- -------------+-+-----+----2+-+---- 139 3.3.4 Transport Phenomena ---------------- 20-22 - errr entrees 228 3.3.5 Estimated Waterborne Radioactivity ---------------+---------3.4 Gamma Radiation Fields Aboard Target Ships- ---------------------3.4.1 Gamma Dose Rate versus Time --------------- eens er ees e eee 244 276 276 3.4.3 Conversion Factors-------------------e ees e ee ee eee eee eee 311 3.4.2 Variation of Shipboard Dose with Position --------------- teens 284 7