is assumed. All initial dose rate data is summarized in Table 3.4. The variation tn the time
‘al peak is probably due to errors in determining true zero time on individual GITR



48, the initial peak dose rates for Umbrella are plotted without decay correction.

"the initial dose rate peaks for Wahooin

the average time of the imtial

peaks \o.3 Seconds) has been corrected to the average time of the Umbrella peaks (1.6 seconds)
using a decay curve recently determined (Section B.2 and Reference 87).

Unfortunately, the station density is too low to permit any conclusions; however, the following observations can be made: (1) a period of low radiation intensity definitely follows an initial

dose rate peak that appears to be associated with the surfacing of the explosion bubble, and (2)
there is the suggestion that this initial radiation was registered at greater distances during


The single Wahoo station between radial distances of 4,600 to 6,000 feet did not

register an initial dose rate peak, whereas three out of three stations in this same range of

distances registered such a peak during Umbrella.

The existence of a period of low radiation intensity after the initial dose rate peak poses
some difficult questions. The decline in dose rate immediately after the initial peak is too
abrupt to be caused solely by decay and therefore implies some sort of shielding between the
source and the detector. Rough calculations indicate that the amount of water comprising the
plumes and column cannot afford sufficient shielding to produce the observed effects. Therefore some physical action that accomplishes the temporary submergence of the principal radiating source below the ocean surface appears to be required. Further speculation is left to
those more familiar with the hydrodynamics of these events. Because of the extremely short

duration of the initial radiation, little can be inferred concerning the true initial dose or the
shape of the initial dose rate peak. The data obtained from the coracles strongly suggests that
the true peak is much sharper than that reconstructed by Project 2.1 (Reference 86); their data
is, however, the best available until more precise measurements can be made.

The second portion of the early gamma record is the dose due to shine (Appendix F) from
the column and approaching base surge. Photographic evidence (Reference 88) indicates that
for Wahoo the primary plumes reached maximum height at 15.5 seconds (maximum height of

secondary plumes at 30.5 seconds), and the base surge was clearly distinguishable by about

25 seconds; for Umbrella the column reached its average maximum height at 15 seconds,. and
the base surge was clearly distinguishable at about 13 seconds. On both shots a steep rise in
dose rate occurs before the time of base surge emergence established by photographs. This
first steep rise may also be associated with the initial surfacing of the explosion bubble. For
Wahoo it is more pronounced ind is usually followed by a short plateau, which is terminated at
about the time of base surge emergence by a more gradual increase in dose rate. For Um-

brella it is evident only as a change in slope, which again corresponds roughly to base surge
emergence. Using the times of arrival (TOA) defined in Section 3.3.4, the cumulative dose
from zero time to TOA has been calculated as an estimate of the shine dose. For greater convenience, the cumulative dose due to initial radiation, shine and the total dose to 1 minute are
presented in Table 3.5. Because of its short duration, the initial radiation dose must also be
regarded as an estimate. This initial dose is considered too uncertain to justify the construc-

tion of isodose contours.

Contours of cumulative dose at 1 minute may be found in Section 3.3.3.


As stated in the introduction of this report, radiation from the airborne radioactive material
may be divided into radiation from (1) the base surge, (2) the column and transiting cloud, and

(3) material deposited from either of these two sources.

The deposited material may be further

subdivided into that deposited on retentive surfaces and that deposited in the ocean where mixing
can occur. Radiation fields resulting from the airborne radioactive material specifically exclude those due to waterborne radioactive material, shine from the column, and secondary
fallout, which is improbable in the case of an underwater burst. The two latter sources did not


(Text continued on Page 105)

Pages 90 through 104 deleted.

Select target paragraph3