to 6 feet. The most severe waves expected were those generated by the underwater ce:onations
themselves. The forces onthe moor from these waves were calculated, using the wave ne:ghis

and velocities estimated in Reference 21.

The required depth for the subsurface float was determined by calculating the orbital motion

of normal surface waves at depth using the formulas (Reference 72):


Ho e- (27d/L)

L =
= &
a7 yi
where Hg is the diameter of the orbit at depth d; H, is the height of the surface wave from
trough to crest; L is the length of the wave from crest to crest; g is the acceleration o. gravity; and T is the period of the wave. Thus, for periods of 2 and 9 seconds, the depth at which
the orbital motion is 1 percent of surface is approximately 60 and 300 feet, respectively. A
‘depth of 150 feet for the subsurface float was selected as the best compromise between expected
extremes. Although the hydrostatic pressure at this depth is relatively insignificant, calculated
overpressure due to the detonation required that close-in subsurface floats be capable of withStanding pressures of about 2,000 psi. The maximum capability of the floats finally used tn
these locations was calculated to be 1,450 psi, using a modified Timoshenko formula. This
strength proved sufficient.
To maintain a deep moor on either a sloping or a flat bottom, the weight of the anchor used
by SIO (Reference 35) was doubled. The maximum horizontal force Fy that can be sustained
by the deep moor may be expressed as a function of the anchor weight in air W, as follows:

Fy = (bW-T) cos 6 (f cos 9~ sin @)


where b is the buoyancy factor characteristic of the anchor material; T is the vertical component of tension in the mooring cable; 6 is the angle of the bottom; and f is the coefficient of
friction. Assuming an angle of friction of 45°, this maximum force was calculated for iron and
concrete weights on a number of bottom slopes (Figure 2.12). At the cable tensions and anchor
weights used (tension approximately 500 pounds, anchor weight approximately 1,500 pounds in
air), the difference in density between iron and concrete permits a smaller weight of iron to
be used for a given bottom reaction. Furthermore, the compact shapes obtainable with iron
weights permit greater lowering speeds.
Both minimum and maximum values for wind and water drag forces were calculated for the
coracle. The maximum case for water was calculated, using the profile drag coefficient fora
flat disk whose diameter was equivalent to the coracle diameter at the waterline, and the profile drag coefficient for a flat plate was used in calculating the maximum case for air. These
maximum and minimum drag forces onthe coracle, presented in Table 2.3, bracket those actually observed for the winds or currents encountered (Figure 2.13). Similarly, the expected
drag forces on various possible mooring components were calculated for the assumed surface

and subsurface currents and are also summarized in Table 2.3.

The maximum and minimum

excursions were then determined for a number of possible moors and are tabulated, together
with the approximate subsurface float depressions, in Tables 2.4 and 2.5. A safety factor
greater than that employed by STO (Reference $5) was incorporated in the specified mooring
cable, since calculations showed that this increase was possible without materially altering
drag forces or cable costs.
Selection of the final moor represented a compromise between various opposing factors as
demonstrated for a 1,200-fathom moor in Figure 2.14. The final system is schematically represented in Figure 2.15. In brief, the specifications for the major components are from the

bottom up: a bottom detecting device (SIO drawing E-834), a No. 16 grapnel, a 1,500-pound


Select target paragraph3