3.20 Gross gamma records, 0 to 2.5 minutes, coracle at 2,670 feet,

248° T from surface zero (ASEL-, std-, and sec-GITR’s),
Shot Umbrella----------------------------+-----+--+----

3.21. Gross gamma records, 0 to 2.5 minutes, coracle at 4,770 feet,

247.9° T from surface zero (ASEL-, std-, and sec-GITR’s),
Shot Umbrella--------------------------2-------------3.22 Gross gamma record, 0 to 2.5 minutes, coracle at 4,530 feet,
263.5° T from surface zero (ASEL-GITR), Shot Umbrella----------3.23 Gross gamma records, 0 to 2.5 minutes, coracle at 3,940 feet,


279.1° T from surface zero (ASEL- and std-GITR’s), Shot Umbrella----


278.1° T from surface zero (std-GITR), Shot Umbrelia- ------------


334° T from surface zero (ASEL- and std-GITR’s), Shot Umbrella -- ---


158° T from surface zero (GITR installed inside pilot
house), Shot Umbrella -------+--------------+--+--+--------


3.24 Gross gamma record, 0 to 2.5 minutes, coracle at 6,740 feet,

3.25 Gross gamma records, 0 to 2.5 minutes, coracle at 4,910 feet,
3.26 Gross gamma record, 0 to 2.5 minutes, EC-2 at 1,650 feet,

3.27 Gross gamma records, 0 to 2.5 minutes, EC-2 at 1,650 feet,
158° T from surface zero (GITR installed on centerline,
Frame 48, forward, and Frame 137.5, aft, main deck),

Shot Umbrella~------------ eect ee en ee ee ee cr ee eee nee
3.28 Gross gamma record, 0 to 2.5 minutes, DD-474 at 1,900 feet,
245.7° T from surface zero (GITR installed on centerline


at Frame 21, bow), Shot Umbrella ---------------+------+-+-----


Frame 136, port, and Frame 136, starboard), Shot Umbrella---------


3.29 Gross gammarecords, 0 to 2.5 minutes, DD-474 at 1,900 feet,
245.7* T from surface zero (GITR installed on main deck,

3.30 Gross gamma records, 0 to 2.5 minutes, DD-592 at 3,000 feet,
248.5° T from surface zero (GITR installed on centerline,
Frame 21, bow, and top of 5-inch gun director, platform),
Shot Umbrella - --------------- ec c ccc ce cere reece ee ee3.31 Gross gammarecords, 0 to 2.5 minutes, DD-592 at 3,000 feet,
248.5° T from surface zero (GITR installed on main deck,
Frame 136, port, and Frame 136, starboard), Shot Umbrella--------3.32 Deposit dose rate versus distance (calculated from GITR

background), Shot Wahoo- --------------------++--- rere re ee
3.33 Deposit dose rate versus distance (calculated from GITR
background), Shot Umbrella- -----------------------------3.34 Deposit dose rate versus distance (calculated from total IC
collection), Shots Wahoo and Umbrella --------------+--+-----3.35 Plume trajectories determined from documentary photography,
Shot Wahoo - ---------+------ cect etter cc cnet ttc
3.36 Family of decay curves for IC collections, Shots Wahoo and Umbrella- - - - - 3.37 Deposit dose rate histogram for IC at 4,500 feet,
66° T from surface zero, Shot Wahoo --------------------++--3.38 Deposit dose rate histogram for IC at 3,900 feet,
159° T from surface zero, Shot Wahoo- --------------+-+-+--+----3.39 Deposit dose rate histogram for IC at 4,600 feet,
151.5° T from surface zero, Shot Wahoo --------------+-------3.40 Deposit dose rate histogram for IC at 7,100 feet,
231.5* T from surface zero, Shot Wahoo ------<-+----+-+--+-------

3.41 Deposit dose rate histogram for IC at 8,000 feet,
256.5° T from surface zero, Shot Wahoo ------------+2-%---+--+--13






Select target paragraph3