Page Two
Secretary Brown
April 21, 1978

they will be getting and, in particular, that they be told that the risks
may be greater than is now believed.
We would suggest also that permanent
records be maintained by the Defense Department of every participant and
that detailed medical records be kept along with detailed records of their

duties, exposures and activities on the atoll.

participants might be planned for as well.

A possible followup of the

If these steps are being taken, we would be pleased to know of that;
if they are not, we would urge that they be instituted.
While the final
answers concerning health effects of low-level radiation exposures are
still unknown, we should not be guilty of failing to provide all possible
protection for servicemen now cleaning up the debris from this country's
nuclear testing in the Enewetak Atoll.
As we understand that the initial sitework has been completed and
that contingents of military personnel began the actual cleanup in November, with new contingents scheduled to arrive there next month, we expect
& prompt reply.

With-every good wish, we are

C4£yrrr bud Fee Guta
Paul’ G. Rogers


Subcommittee on He alth
and the Environment


Tim Lee cartér
Ranking Minority Member

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