John S, Malik
to Hardtack,


April 17, 1979

The one thing that could not be controlled was the winds,

and as a result, Japtan Island was hit by fallout from the Fir event, as
were Parry Island and Eniwetok Island, fired on Bikini Atoll on 12 May,

1958 (M.I. time).

According to WI1685, "fallout from the Fir event on

Bikini contributed approximately 1,200 to 1,500 mr total dose to those

living at Eniwetok Atoll---",
With regard to

high exposure, one can speculate based on

knowledge acquired during the operation. (1) On recreation, or shellhunting trips,
wearing his film badge, went into areas that were
contaminated as a result of shots fired at Eniwetok where he had no busi-

ness being or (2)

he left his film badge in his quarters, hanging or

laying against the outside wall where it received excessive exposure from
the radioactive debris from the Mir fallout that was concentrated by rain
water run-off from the eaves of the quarters,
One other general comment is in order before tackling the specific.
questions that
_ has mixed apples and oranges in his .

remerks about "the background intensity" or the “background” at Site Nan
"began to rise”, Site Nan was Enyu Islend at Bikini Atoll and radiation

levels there had no bearing on Japtan Island at Eniwetok Atoll,

miles or more from Bikini.

some 180

Further, nis references to the rise in back-

ground at Site Elmer Rad Safe Center (Parry Island at Enivetok) are of no

consequence. Such incidents were not mentioned or discussed in WI 1665
for the simple reason that they were of no consequence or concern.

Now, as to:


questions, in order:

@. I believe that the badges were accurate within 20 percent. There
were errors; see WI 1685, Chapter 5, on personnel dosimetry. On the woole,
the dosimetry program was reasonably accurate and satisfactory. The program
had been repeatedly blessed and approved by knowledgeable people from a
variety of agencies and was never criticized as lacking in adequacy. The

bigsest single "hole" tn the program was created by people,
wear their film badge or wore it improperly.

water but you can't make him drink.

Many did not

You can drive a horse to



No, not unless an individual never went swimming, never took a


Doses required to produce "reversal" in the film far exceeded

shower, never wasned in any menner,
protection over most of the body.

Jornal clothing provided adequate


those that show in the dosimetry records. Film fogging, normally, will not
mask a higher dose; fogging darkens the film and thus increases tne dose.



case, yes, The dosinetry records show continuous
d. in
coverage for the period of interest,

Select target paragraph3