July 16, 1993

All Concorned

Scope of Tests After CASTLE



Dr. Bradbury said thatERor the fissionable material produced had
been used for testing and the result hed been a 100 or 500% increase in

the utilization of fissionable raterial. In the future, one Nevada
series of tests might be held per year with epproximately six ehots

and one Fniwetok series every 14 to 2 years.

Dr. MscDougall mentioned a mmber of possible candidates for future tests,
which are listed below. None of these have been definitely decided on,

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CAD. If there should be a rilitary requirement for this enall
ir>losion warhead, a test o° its perforzence mirht be in order.

Secll Gun. If a small cun (€ inches or 21,0 mm in dianetear) vere
developed, a test nicht be desirable.
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Boosting t>perinents.

Tests may be required because of the unimom

extent of mixins of the thermemiclear and fission components.



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