
This report ts a review of the literature on the radfoblology of internal


Its purpose is to consider what has becane known about the radio-

biology of internally deposited radionuclides over the last four decades.


primary emphasis fs the progression of rad iobtological information through the
1950s and early 1960s, when atmospheric testing of atanic weapons was

occurring with increasing regularity.

Most of the over 280 references cited in this report ere from the open
literature, although use of technical reports was sometimes also needed.


focus was on developing a reasonable, documented chronology of the evolution
of knowledge about the radfobfology of falloute

We have used our scientific

judgment about the significance of available Information in distilling an

enormous volume of literature into a report of ‘this size.
We do not Intend this report to be a complete survey of the subfect.


scientific literature ts replete with overviews of radiobfologic studies, and
west Bes not been reviewed fn the onen literature hac heen reviewed in many
documents, including those on nuclear reactor safety (US MRC, 1978), radiation
risks (UNSCEAR, 1977, 1982; NAS, 1972, 1980), and radiation research in

general (IRRC, 1980).

the general evolution of radioblological research on Internal e@nitters fron
qualitative studies on their radfotoxicity to quantitative assessments of the
risk fram exposures to thew (Chapter III).

Further, we look in general

Important developments in the concern over fallout from nuclear weapons

Getonations through the ere of atmospheric testing.



In this report, after a historical perspective (Chapter 11), we address

Select target paragraph3