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In 1957, studies were undertaken on uptake by the body and retention after
dtrect inhalation of plutonium in the radtoactive cloud after detonation as

well as after inhalation of plutonium resuspended by wind action following its
deposition on the ground (Stannard, 19733).

Rats and dogs were exposed durirg

passage of the radioactive cloud, while dogs, sheep and burros were exposed
for a long post-event period of up to 160 days at several down-wind locations.

The results indicated that dogs exposed to the cloud passage at the time of
detonation had higher plutonium burdens than animals exposed to resuspended
plutonium for long periods of time, even though the animals exposed to the
passing cloud were not exposed to the highest airborne concentrations at
ground level.
Because of concern about plutonium in the environment from atomic weapons
. and, Tater, the nuclear fuel cycle, considerable information has been
published on its radioecology (Olafson and Larson, 1962; Stannard, 1973a;
Healy, 1975; IAEA, 1976; Friedman, 1976; Hanson, 1980).
Plutonium has a low solubility in water and biological fluids and tends to
Se noreetile in soils and other media.

Hence, plutonium is much Jess likely

to move through food chains to man than fission products discussed heretofore.

Nonetheless, plutonium in the environment continues to be a timely topic, in
view of its role in the end of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Metabolic Pathways
Because plutonium played a major role in atomic weaponry, considerable re-

search on its metabolism and toxicology took place in the 1940s.

Studies in

rats on the distribution and excretion of plutonfum in various chenical states
were made following intravenous (Carritt et al., 1947) or intramuscular

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