erateda A re a wa oe pe


and excretion of a number of radionuclides, including barium-140, cerjum-141

and -144, zirconium-95, ruthenium-103 and -106, and tellurium-127 and -129.
Studies of '06Ru metabolism were also done by Thampson et al. (1958) and
Furchner et a}. (1971).

Considerable work was done on radiobfotogy of

radiocerium (NCRP, 1978), not only because it {is an abundant fission product

with a 285-day half life, but al so because 144ce is a beta-emitting bone
"seeker that provides a valuable tool for understanding the effects of bone
seeking radionuclides (NCRP, 1978).

Reviews of the radfoecology of several

radionuclides have been published, fncluding ruthenium and rhodium (Auerbach




and Olson, 1963), the rare earths (Palumbo, 1963), and zircontum (Held, 1963).

Select target paragraph3