-2Other malignancies, in addition to the thyroid, have been documented with
sufficient frequency, particularly in the Japanese exposed at Nagasaki and
Hiroshima, to warrant positive correlation with radiation exposure.
‘hese are
leukemia and cancers of the breast, lung and gastrointestinal tract.
In 1972,
a 19-year-old Rongelap man who had been exposed at one year of age died of acute
He had extensive treatment at the clinical center of the National
Institutes of Health.
In 1974, a 64-year-old exposed Rongelap man died of cancer
of the stomach.
At this time, these are the only known malignancies, other than
thyroid, that may be related to radiation exposure among the Marshallese.
(Appendix 4).
The annual medical examinations of the exposed Marshallese people continue
with a team of highly qualified medical specialists. + In addition, there are
other visits to the islands for health care.

Medical Department


Brookhaven National Laboratory

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