

Some are too short-lived to be of consequence, but


I, and
I are sufficiently long-lived co cause a considerable dose
to the thyroid following internal absorption and concentration in that gland,
and these were absorbed both via inhalation and via ingestion in food and
water (see App. 2 of ref. 12). Other internally absorbed isotopes (see Table
2) were not thought to be significantly absorbed by the thyroid and probably
contributed little to the dose to that gland. Conversely, the radioiodines
contributed only slightly to the whole-body radiacion dose.
During the early period after the fallout, radioiodine was recognized as
possibly the most hazardous constituent, but the estimated dose to the gland
of 100
» 150 rads was not considered sufficient to cause later development of
thyroia abnormalities. No acute effects were noted in any of the peonle that
could be related to the internal absorption of radioiodines or other radionuclides. Contamination of the skin resulting in extensive beta burns in the
neck region in 70% of the people probably did not contribute to the thyroid
dose because of the low energy of the beta radiation.

tion of radioiodines through the skin occurred.

Possibly slight absorp—

When the people returned to Rongelap and Utirik to live, no ra
isotopes of iodine remained (except Fee. 803 ne
slight amounts of 12 9),

the principal remaining nuclides (3

Oco, 55Fe), which vere

absorbed to low levels in the people, wrobabiy contributed only low doses to

the thyroid. (See Section B, below.)
When thyroid lesions began developing in the Rongelap children in 1963,
the dose to the thyroid of the Rongelap people was reevaluated by James (19).
His estimates of the gamma dose agreed approximately with the previous estimate of 175 rads. Calculation of the dosage from radioiodines unfortunately
had to be based on a single, pooled urine sample from Rongelap people collected 15 days post exposure.

Harris at Los Alamos had reported a low level

of 131] in this sample and had calculated a one-day thyroid content of 11.2
uCi based on the assumption of 0.12 urinary excretion of the maximum thyroid

burden on the 15th day (235).
James (19) calculated doses for absorption from both inhalation and in~

gestion. He noted that the shorter-Lived isotopes of iodine delivered 2 to 3
times the estimated dose delivered by 131 alone. The importance of these
shorter-lived isotopes in producing thyroid effects in the Marshallese is
referred to in Section IX of the text. The dose to the thyroid of a Rongelap
adult (including gamma) was calculated as about 335 rads (220 to 450 rads) and
to that of a 3-yr-old Rongelap child as 700 to 1400 rads.

(The spread is due

to uncertainties in estimating dose from absorption of radioiodines by inhala-

tion versus ingestion.) It.should be noted that the thyroid glands of l-yrold children are only about two-thirds the size of those of 3-yr-olds and
therefore might have received 2000 rads or more.
With the assumption that the ratio of whole-body gamma doses to thyroid
doses was about the same for people exposed on Ailingnae and Utirik as for the
Rongelap people, James' calculations were used to estimate thyroid doses in
the Ailingnae and Utirik groups; the results were 135 rads for the Ailingnae

adults and 31 rads for the Utirik adults. The children's thyroid doses were
based on the weight of the gland at various ages (247). By using a linear relationship between the thyroid size and the dose calculated by James, the
doses to individual children were taken from regression lines drawn for the
three exposed populations; these are given in Table 3. In retrospect, the

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Select target paragraph3