4c) 7


February 15, 1973
Dr. Barr:

4 should pve sent this sooner.


Tommy McCraw has been through the Bikini operation, and he has had experience,


Paragraph 3 writes an order for what can be the Radiological Assessnrent

which puts him ahead of us on the practical aspects.
for his expertise. But, .. .

We have to make due allowance

Review Group, although the memo says the group has not been clearly identified.
Reviewing the survey results anddose assessments can be read as an assignment

to be accomplished by Barr & Co. on May22 and subsequently.

‘Since McCraw


the singular, group, am includes mking the final judgements; well, there we
are up against that word "judgements" again. It fell out of the memo from

Gen Camm to the Yommissioners, and I don't know if that forever bans it from
anything but the patois evolving about the retum of Eniwetok to TIPI and
the People.


The five categories which are expanded under paragraph 3 contain numerous

items which will involve Tobin and the Eniwetok People if my reading of Tobin's
report was correct.

And probably a lot more of the EP than of Tobin,

If such

be the case, the group (8th word, 2d line, para 3) is not the RARG. (Seems to
me we'll have to recanmend subscripts for those using group, where group, is a
typical, representative group. Or switch to synonyms such as team, board 3
and unit.

4, I wonder what 4C has in mind to keep people out of off limits areas.
No, 3 under Land Use.


In the dietary Precantions/Limitatios class someone will have to gather

at least three people who are familiar with tropical island one and off-shore

food production.


Got any on the RARG? What about fresh water -- drinking, washing?

In the Contaminated Debris and Other Haards category, soneone will have to

be sure to look under water on both lagoon and open ocean side and at the

reefs between islands.

The Bikini operation may have provided a wealth of

experience to assure completeness, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.


Followup Requirements:

Item 1 should specify "tims of retum" health status

and continuing studies, even though it may be implied.

transuranics in food and people with passage of time?

Will we be looking for

In item 3, I would

prefer something like periodic evaluation of restrictions, which doesn't promise
their removal,

Although probability may be low, we could find recommendations

for increasing restrictions,

On page 3, note the sentence beginning "While we cannot unilaterally say

what is acceptable . . ."

Does the FRC RPG set the upper limits?

9. Page 4, Monitoring and Reporting. Who does the certification of completi

in item 4?

This set of requirements does not seem to allow any leeway

Surprises, e€.g., amd new and different hot spot.


Select target paragraph3