In addition to the basic security responsibilities outlined above,
there were numerous other continuing and recurrent activities of imnportance to the maintenance of an adequate security program. These included:

The provision of travel orders and Navy identification cards
for Holmes & Narver personnel and others travelling overseas.
Until July 1950, when Joint Task Force Three established a
facility for issuing travel credentials, Holmes & Narver arranged for necessary overseas credentials for Los Alamos personnel and others,
Maintenance of liaison with AEC, military, FBI, civic, and
other officials, This included attendance at meetings of
security interest locally, in Washington, Los Alamos, Honolulu,
and Eniwetok,
Advice to subcontractors on security matters, including clearance of consultant and subcontractor employees.
Arrangements for the security notification required when Holmes
& Narver personnel visited AEC and AEC contractor installations.
Arrangements for and supervision of classified teletype service.
Dissemination of information of security interest as appropri-

ate to Holmes & Narver employees.

At the commencement of the Contract, all security activities were
placed under the general supervision of the Chief Fiscal Officer, and
the security organization consisted of one Assistant Security Officer

and three clerical assistants,

In August 1949, a full-time Chief Se-

curity Officer was appointed, and the security organization was expanded as the contract requirements increased, At the peak of operation, the Security Division consisted of:

Home Office - 1 Chief Security Officer

1 Assistant Chief Security Officer
1 Senior Security Assistant
1 Security Assistant

1 Interviewer
1 File Clerk
1 Identification Clerk
1 Secretary

1 Clerk Typist

Select target paragraph3