E- When the "R" is entered over the last red check,
the application and returned Reference Letters are
given to the Employment Interviewer for his consideration, Each morning, the clerk handling the Reference Letters shall move the last file in the numerical file to the front and its contents shall be given
to the Interviewer. He shall then decide, after a
careful study of the applications, whether any are to
be retained for the return of additional Reference
Letters, rejected or hired. As he makes his decision,
he shall so indicate on theapplication, and then see
that they are appropriately filed.

When, in the judgment of the Employment Inter-

viewer, sufficient references have been received to

warrant a decision, he shall make the decision and,
if he decides to go on with the original offer, send

for the applicant."

Similar detailed instructions covered all subjects of personnel
cognizance. During the course of the Project there were instances in
which the prescribed procedures had to be waived in order to meet the
deadlines established. A situation requiring such action occurred in
December of 1950 when a substantial number of laborers were urgently
required at the Jobsite for a short period of time in connection with
the foundation grouting of Structure 3.1.1. To shift forces from other
work in progress would have meant delaying completion of work beyond
deadlines, As a consequence, a concerted effort was made on a high
priority basis to recruit personnel and move them to the Jobsite for

the particular program. In view of the urgency of the requirement, the
low job classification of the personnel involved, and the short duration
of their stay, it was felt that the most expeditious action could only

be based upon spot reference checks to the degree consistent with early
fulfillment of requirements. This was done, and as a result of such
action, the program was completed on schedule.
Such instances are a reflection of the major difficulties encountered
in planning the work of the Personnel Department which arose out of the
interaction of increased requirements for personnel at the Jobsite, the
security clearance requirement, and a tightening labor market introduced
by the Korean War. Of these factors, the 30 day to 100 day period required for security clearance established a barrier to efficient planning.
Personnel would be interviewed looking toward the fulfillment of a particular requisition or estimated requirement, and a tentative offer of employment made, subject to a security check. In many cases, by the time
security approval had been obtained, the prospective employee had taken
other employment, As a consequence, throughout the Project, it was necessary to anticipate on a long range basis the classifications of personnel
that would be required and the number of individuals in each classification in order to permit the establishment of a vool of applicants in

process and reduce the time lag in fulfilling Jobsite personnel requisitions.

See Table 8,1-2 and Figure 8.1-2.,


Select target paragraph3