and replaced.

Auxiliary units were checked and necessary adjustments

made, Diesel unit performance was checked continuously and, when found
advisable, the units were overhauled or replaced. Fuel consumption records materially assisted in checking as to the need of these replacements,
Electric generators were cleaned and checked periodically; continuous records were kept on output. Collector brushes were checked, adusted and
replaced as required to retain satisfactory operating efficiency, Continuous observations were made of engine lubricating oil and exhaust temperatures, as well as of generator operating temperatures. Fuel tanks and
lines were inspected to maintain satisfactory cleanliness and freedom from
foreign matter, All panel board instruments were continuously checked,
and adjustments, repairs, and replacements were made as needed.

Distillation units required constant observation to detect loss in
efficiency of operation, Evaporators were cleaned on periodic cycles
based on hours of operation, Compressor units received constant care,
cleaning, and adjustment. Heat exchangers were watched for efficiency
drops; difficulties were corrected as they arose. Fresh water, salt water,
and acid systems required a large amount of maintenance, repair, and adjustment, This was especially important for acid circulating systems,
in which pumps were constantly in need of repair and replacement, Storage
tanks, both for water and for fuel oil, were maintained and protected
against rust, corrosion, and deterioration by frequent cleaning, scraping,
sand blasting, and painting.

In the electrical outdoor distribution system, all lines, switches,
insulators, transformers, and poles were checked on a regular schedule;

necessary corrective measures were taken as needs became apparent, These
included cleaning of insulators, switches, and transformers, and periodic
painting of transformers,
Electrical motors, auxiliary generators, and miscellaneous electrical equipment were inspected and necessary lubrication and adjustment
given, When repairs were necessary, they were accomplished by exchange
of units, and replaced units were given complete and careful overhaul.
Telephone systems required maintenance and upkeep of cables, lines,
switchboards, instruments, and accessories; this phase of maintenance was
continuous and heavy because of local climatic conditions, Radio com
munications equipment required considerable care, upkeep, adjustment,

and replacement, and constant general supervision,

The Paint Shop personnel, under the direction of the Maintenance
Superintendent, did all painting for new construction and all painting
required in maintenance of buildings and facilities, Sand blasting, spray

painting, and brush equipment were used as appropriate. Personnel attached
to the paint shop varied with demand; a maximm of 25 painters were em
ployed in the paint shop at one time, A sign painter was continuously
employed in making necessary signs and notices required throughout the
Project by the Contractor and by the various Users,

Office equipment such as typewriters, adding machines, and calsula-

tors, together with motion picture equipment, were maintained by person-—


Select target paragraph3