
Monthly statement of Contractor's earned fee


Analysis of inter-office transfers

Other statistical reports prepared by the Fiscal Division for submission to the AEC included:


Monthly Personnel Status Report, Form SFO-58


Quarterly Personnel Status Report, Form SF-135


Monthly Report of Contractor Employment


Monthly Report of Change in Vehicle Levels


Quarterly Report of Motor Vehicle Operation


Annual Motor Vehicle Report

For the internal use of H&N management, the Fiscal Division was required to prepare a daily summary of reimbursible expense and cash position, and a weekly statement on the status of commitments and commitments paid. It might be noted here that the latter statement, known as
the Weekly Commitment Report, was extremely valuable in coordinating
activities related to contractual matters, At the request of the Con-

troller of JTF-3 and the AEC Director of Finance, SFO, copies of this
internal report were furnished to their offices.



Miscellaneous reports and studies included such subjects as a

monthly report on motor vehicles, heavy equipment, and material disposition, for use in planning movements in the event of emergencies, a week-

ly report of aircraft utilization, semi-annual reports of organizational
structure and personnel distribution, a quarterly report on allotments

of critical materials made and used by the AEC (AEC Form 304), a monthly

report of purchase order contracts, over and under $25,000, given to
large corporations and small businesses during the month (AEC Form 158
and 160), a copy of all purchase orders, and intermittent Security
Clearance requirement estimates.


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