The rescheduling of Jobsite work that had been occasioned by the
delays incurred throughout the period of lack of sufficient shipping

space placed certain equipment and material in such vital need that it

became necessary to initiate requests for increased airlift allotments.

These allotments were obtained simultaneously with the establishment of
a liaison office for the Joint Task Forces at Travis Air Force Base,
California, in September of 1950, but Holmes & Narver air freight con-

tinued to be routed through the Naval Supply Center for transshipment
to the Travis Base,

The Travis Air Force Base terminal was the Pacific Coast Headquarters for all the Korean airlift operations for the Army, Navy, and
Air Force, in addition to serving as the Port of Embarkation for all
air priority material and equipment of the Joint Task Force operations,
including those of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Holmes &
Narver. The warehousing jam occasioned by the vital needs of all the

military services during the dark period of temporary reversals in the
Korean War situation at the close of the calendar year of 1950 was so

great that Holmes & Narver took steps to alleviate the conditions insofar

as possible within its jurisdiction.

On January 1, 1951, Holmes & Narver obtained permission from the
Joint Task Force Liaison Office to send its own representative to help
alleviate conditions by supervising Holmes & Narver air shipments and
general coordination of effort in accordance with the MATS procedures
in effect at the Travis terminal. This expediting office was set up
in the first week of January 1951 and immediately started work to eliminate the bottlenecks of Holmes & Narver air freight that had accumla-

ted material shipments throughout various warehouse facilities at the

This office functioned in close coordination with the military

personnel at all times, in a manner similar to that of the Oakland
office at the Naval Supply Center, and exerted continual effort in facil-

itating material flow, through close follow-up of all shipments and
through physical and paperwork handling procedures established by the
Air Force. Much thought was given to methods and procedures that might
be devised to speed and increase the flow of Holmes & Narver air freight,
and several steps were suggested and approved to save time in shipping
and monitoring df materials.
It was standard operating procedure to obtain directly from the
Joint Task Force Liaison Office at Travis Air Force Base air priority

assignments in advance of actual shipment for all shipments scheduled

for airlift, regardless of the point of origin of the shipment. Planning control in the MATS flight space allotment office could thus be
maintained in allocating space requirements for the various military
services and Joint Task Force Groups.
Holmes & Narver airlift materials had been consigned through the
Naval Supply Center for transshipment to Travis prior to this time,
and the expediting office was able to eliminate all the transshipment
delay and extra handling by suggesting and securing approval of a plan

to consign all the shipments directly to the Port of Embarkation at



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