At 816 South Figueroa Street, two limited areas were established,

a central file room and a communications room because it was considered
that most if not all of the Restricted Data maintained by Holmes &

Narver, Inc., would be kept at 824 South Figueroa Street, However, the
central file room would have classified correspondence and the communications room would handle "Sigtot" one-time tapes classified "Secret,"

Hense, the two areas mentioned above were established, Admittance to
these areas was monitored by the clerks on duty and was confined to only
those "Q" cleared personnel who required access to the areas in line
of duty.

In addition, at 816 South Figueroa Street, additional physical con

trols were set up. A 24mhour, 7 days per week guard control was established, During office working hours, one guard was posted at the
main entrance as a receptionist-informationist and another acted as

general supervisor of guards in both buildings, This guard also acted
as a courier to the Navy Headquarters at Long Beach, the Army Communication Center in the Federal Building, and the Los Angeles AEC Security
Office; did finger printing, photography, and badge laminating; burned
classified waste; changedfile and safe combination as necessary; and
did other work incidental to the activities of the Security Division.

During nonworking hours, one guard patrolled the entire building.
Eleven Watchclox stations were strategically installed so that complete
coverage of the building was given by the guard during his hourly

patrols, One-hour heat resistant 3-way combination steel cabinets were
installed in the central file room, communication room, and other offices where a small number of classified documents might be temporarily


Only those "Q" cleared employees whose duties required such

access were given combinations to any of the repositories. Duplicate
combinations to these vaults were under the close control of the
Security Division.
These physical controls have been closely inspected every six

months by the AEC Inspection Branch, and have always proved satisfactory. No additional physical controls have been reccamended,

The Honolulu office had no special areas. For use in the storage
of classified material, it had a large, heavy-welled, 3-way combination
steel safe controlled by "Q" cleared personnel. However, except as a

repository for classified matter in transit, little or no classified
matter was kept there.

At the start of the operation and until about November 1, 1950,
there were no limited or exclusion areas at the Jobsite. Physical security measures were limited to the provision of adequate storage

facilities for classified documents. The storage consisted of 3-way
combination safes and file cabinets in buildings secured against unauthorized entry after working hours by screening and locks and bars

for doors and windows.

by camp police,


In addition, a system of patrols was maintained

Select target paragraph3