date would be submitted for a "P" approval only. It was assumed that
his work contract would have expired before a "Q" clearance would be
required, and in cases of renewal or extension of contract, later submissions for "Q" clearance were to be made necessary.
The object of this procedure
costs and to reduce the work load
with Holmes & Narver clearances,
than one year before the limiting
clearance costs could be effected
phases of the clearance program,

was to effect economies in clearance
in the AEC and FBI Offices concerned
At that stage of the operation (more
date), a substantial savings in
without materially affecting any other

By November 1, 1949, although the tentative limiting date (November

1, 1950) had not been changed it was considered by the Chief Security
Officer, Holmes & Narver, that submission for "P" approvals only should

be continued until a reasonably good estimate of the number of "Q"

cleared persons to be required in the various job classifications could
be made, based on later considerations of job progress and job requirements,

On January 6, 1950, a security meeting was held in the Holmes &

Narver offices in Los Angeles to determine pertinent security procedures, This meeting included security representatives from the Of-

fice of the Director of Security at Los Alamos, the AEC Los Angeles

Security Branch Office, the Washington Area AEC Security Office, and
security and other officials of Holmes & Narver. At this meeting, it
was announced that special clearance arrangements had been made for the
clearance of personnel hired in the Hawaiian Islands, These arrangements permitted the granting of local check "P" approvals by an AEC
security representative stationed in Honolulu for all persons who had
resided in the islands for a period of at least 10 years. This procedure greatly accelerated the receipt of "P" approvals and the hiring
program in the Hawaiian Islands, It did not affect the time required
for a "Q" clearance, At thta meeting it was also announced that the
limiting date, although still tentative, probably would not be later
than November 1, 1950, and might be earlier.
Shortly after tne meeting, the Holmes & Narver Chief Security Officer decided that-in order to insure a sufficient nucleus of cleared
personnel by the limiting date, all personnel departing from the United
States for the Jobsite should be submitted for a "Q" clearance upon departure and that persons already at the Jobsite with a "P* approval
should be submitted for a "Q" clearance as soon as Jobsite Management
could determine with a reasonable degree of certainty that the nen
would remain beyond the limiting date.

Beginning about February 1, 1950, all "P" approval personnel sent
to the Jobsite were processed for a "Q" clearance. This was continued

until about April 25, 1950, when oral instructions were received from
the Chief, AEC-NME Test Security Branch to discontinue processing "Q*
until June 1, 1950, and thereafter to process only those men whose services would be needed after the establishment of the new limiting date.


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