to perm't more malgnancies. .One ebad thing does not justify another." 5; To prove that Enjebi is safe i: !3 comoarec with the city oof Denver. Denver, however, has some of the highes: ¢ atamination levels cl anyplace in the United States. Dr. Bartell said of the Sencer and Brill study that "the authors mignt better cal! for federal asistance for the peonic of Colorado" than to urge a reiurn to Enjebi which has radiation levels that “match another poilutec or high risk area." 6) Cancer is focused on as the maor health problem that cof feet oon Enews rh, The aiscussion omits mention of hypothyroidism, aplastic anemi2, premature aging, benign tumers and other such disorder, ‘whicn Marsnallese from other radiaticn-contaminated radiation a precise doses matter, but an average dose 186 millirems. monitoring of the environment will prevent that exposure. Indeeo, the people wii! be to the is rad:zion in the food chain. iv meapee are to eat any food wos oh fromthe stands ieey wil exposure, because even if the people do not thai after all the money spent on nuclear testing, a farge environmental and medical program is about to begin for Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik. Mitchell asserts, however, that ‘his program will "protect the people from ANY radiation exposure will environment the because ce constantly monitored to any of the int> radiation the food eat any focal foods, they will stil be exposec to radiation fram the ervironment {by breathing cr tnr-cugh cuts in the skin, etc... Additionally, aitnough presuv at! y there will ce some aivferences from othe Birkin, momitoring ana the nedica, TOM LOMING pragrams that wil: be comacted 3: Enewetak, rt shew be recalies countiess studies cf envronment passing residual a is gratifying to see prevent of No is mstance). from about recemye concentrated amounts of ragiaton fm mater 4 smai. % it is an error th B55 0F VAAL emvires> ania momtering cf inewetak car prevent any radiation average is given for a population it may be beiow what is being called a “sa‘e" level, althcugh some peontle must have received dos-higher than the average ‘2s at. Bikini im 57S, tor 8) receive radiation on the islands, there matter of estimates basea on "average" exposure. An average exposure means that some people gei mare ani some pei less. Wren an it contradicting people anc were on conducted rat tne ue 3: Bikini during the 3970's. \2: the United States authorities were unable to precict tne problems of radiation exposure occurred anc ~ that finally forced the removal of the people in 1978. The decision of the Ene wetak people to return tv their atoll has been based on many different factors. Tnat decision should be entirciy ur to the people from Enewetak. In maxing that decision, however, they need to knoa ynyray 8 pur Z Miayes ~E-o aeSv 3° 4? “ges "oR = bs 24} uo suonsanb esuodsas Sulyol pur qwrdiy A coraa auniny that from a radiological point 8 8% & = of view there are two sides a oF To = Soo se. two the story and that there is considerable disagreeneni in the American scientific community over the safety ot Enewetak. The werent giver this consideration is for the ¥ S35 & ga" a Fe * = oo GCTas ST Aad: aam v27 3 % < - v -~ on =» 7 3 se & Sf a © « “9% Fanaa SEL ZS? ek ae 7 3s ¢ Ef zes5F q =. 4 <€ A oT cnewetak — SOo 2.3 4 wnrDWBDae “se = ao ww ~ so a ‘ so ec: a x people to vecite. ——— < tt excuse not is tee : Judging background radiation... not use this as . radiation on all of their islands. Since there is residual told they wouldnot have any nealth prodiems from their small exposure. 'n cach case, turned aut to be what Naccurate statements by tne authorities led i iresponsible se ricus expesures oF hear problems, ceaths. vf Terenclogy, says of ihe Sericr anc Brill study thar ‘the objective should be to rere himself. He has just said that the people on Enjebi_ will exposed told for years by the AEC and the Department of Energy. The people of Utrik were alsc Scnovi of Nuciear Enzuieering, Georgia Institute beruae Mitchell what the residents of Utah and Nevada in the U.S. were naturaily, and furthermore are , swlogicly much more toxic than "natural. radionuclides. Dr. Kar. Z. Morgan of the =m People." Bikini people in 1969. This is of Enewetak comes mostly from plutonium, strontium and cesium which do NOT occur an eg be exposed to dangerous amounts of radiation." This is what the Atomic Energy Commssion said about the etc.) is added to this already exsting hazardous amount of radiation it simply means the risk of health problems is increased. Moreover, the contamination this tee depo (from radiation” exposure nuclear tests, atomic energy, reduc: eee from). 7) «Mitchell «says "the Enewetak people will NEVER “Pe bream ee other ONG! pereericage When IN enOL SCNWVUSE TIVHSYY A ligsl ter 4 Go cancers. SI GALIDED wodsy ilug pur Japuag YIM Swajqold HOSsUYoO f of veve WO AL