17 07 SECRET | i MRL - Report 44/ BB kD -o6 ATOMIC Tee N 4 ATA SIGMA Cave etande as -_- OPERATION CASTLE Project 18.1 PHOTOELECTRIC MEASUREMENTS OF TIME INTERVAL j BETWEEN REACTIONS ie i > i | Lt. Warren L. Smith. USNR i= } , , . . T/Set. James Yandle. USAF Cs ; (8 F i. Lior al j / i Gor. i? je fF Z ’ CA y/ 20 NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY - “Sat aecea c ~~ +ee pos | he Ben I ef 6 . ae ‘x we ecommend ToT aN ; 4 . La nl } T/Set. Berry Caldwell, USAF Ralph Richardson ; 4AL ( ~ batwewd GES.9 tet a et del Washington. D.C. moe VR acre ere bes otk RESTRICTED DATA _ Atomic Energy Act of 1946 | ‘é cee (aot: ’ U p BS ely IZED DY: ay AUTHOR EA Hcy Ae "betshthdee TEEN | 0 SECRET % Wo mer CmERGYyeDECI.ASeTHvies?[TO!Ice Powe Title T EN ( T OF ENN e “DEPARTMT INA . eps s e w ane | res 2 - | ERM TET i CLASSEWT o wake: sieno Oy StigreDINFOmo eoF Ena# a .Ci Tk iaa3 an mee tk zxsgriee INEG: BRACKETED =2 i}OTHER(SPECIEYDE | : ||