
Oz radioiodine tnerapy is to know srecisely the rac dose that

was reeivec zy, the

gianc. The important = 425tion is whether there is 4 just elevate dbse oz -"+I
wrecn will bring a hyperthyroid satient to a euthyroid State «itnout) uitiretealy
developing hypothyroid-==.. The cther question is whether ar iraces te aose o

-°--l is more inclined t= lead to nectlasm formation.

In 4 few cases, Mistslogic samples cf the gland have Leccome av llazle secause
surgery was indicated owing to the appearance of a mass or persist
2 or syperthyidism that required =satment. The procurement or tissue i= srov ing =0. sppor“umity to study the effects of the radiation in various arezs <f
glané sy autoraclography.

Thus, we continue <> follow cur radioiodine therapy cass= dili entiy witn re-

peated examinations tc i50k for the devélopment of masses anc <9 re ppraise thyroid
The Protiem of Selecting the Right Dose of
Treatment of Graves’ Disease
a dose of



*"*2 fort

rtant variéi=le in trying to anticipate and estima es th
1211 is the s-ructural character of the particular zland

This is pre=Sebly as important as the weight or sics of

all of the volume may mst be attributable to thyroid cells - _rAisto

roids of Graves' disease may be quite variable. The gland ==;
trated with lymphocytes, in which case, it will be very five and

A considerable part of its volume may be blood and as a result it

effectiveness of

tis to be ir

e gland because

gicaliy the thyensively infil-

bery cm examinatio:

ill be very soft,

compressible and have = bruit. The gland may be involuted wich a
volume occupied by colisid. Such a gland is rather firm, bu= not
tensively infiltrated with lympocytes. This gland often feels ra
very hyperplastic glar<c with few lymphocytes or colloid is composed

ds firm as when expedsly. The
of reiatively more

of gland usually occirs in younger individuals.

gntrins-cs character-


Such a gland is quite vascular.

The history is of scort diratian.

We believe <hese

This type

istics of the gland <= Graves' disease play a major part ir. the effectiveness of the


The greater the space occupied by lymphocytes, x=-_loidj

tissue the more ionize=ion is spent in these structures rater t

or connective

in the cells that

produce hormone. Such characteristics can only be inferrec =rom afimowlecge of the
pathology as it relates to the features of the physical exac=mati
Unfortunately a
biopsy of a large number of thyroids before
it therapy is z¢ven
not justifiable.

However, any physician or surgeon who devotes a great deal <== his

thyroids, judges and records the character or the giand at poysl

personally reviews the nistology on each gland that is oper=ced si
relate the findings wich reasonable accuracy.
Information = the
ter of the gland, alcmz with kinetic data on the behavior cr the

given individual shou. help unravel the explanation as to y th

kime te examining

examination and the

dose oF

+311 pro-

duces prompt hypothyrciaism in some patients and is relative_y in rfective in others.

In a similar manner tre surgeon .whc records his estimate oz ne w
Graves' disease from is preoperative physical examination =.3 th
amount of tissue he resoves and from that estimates the amo=t of
has performed a unique control on his preoperative estimate. Wit
refine his judgement c= thyroid weights for those to be trezced wi

ight of a thyroid ir
sees and weighs ti

tissue “nat remains


rience, he can


Select target paragraph3