
the probabiiity OF lesions of specis. interest is anticizated, a trader of -*1r

is given in advance and with autcracicgraphic tecnnisues in operation, the necessary

work cn the tissues can begin as socn as the tissue is removed.

Althougn we have been intereste= in the primary malignant lesio
multiple minute lesicns and the frequency of the “atypical” smail le
met yet declared their clinical or ticroscopic malignant potential h
Special attention. A very importar.t clinical consideration here is
thyroids that are at risk (including the Marsnallese) should be tot

iS fo>.2, the
ions tnat have
Ve cyaen our
hetr:er such
ly removed.

Between 1956 and 1960 when the risk of carcinoma of the thyroid foiiswing radiation to the head and neck became an issue, we had available the reco s <= 200 individuals who had received x-radiaticr. between 1939 and 1949 for tube ulout rzervical
lymphadenitis. Of those that were living, sixty of these individual Were sraced and
examined for thyroid nodules. There were 12 found to have masses an 10 —mderwent
thyroid exploration. Three carcinczes were founc; the remaining w
Postmortem records here showed carcinome of the thyroid in another pati tc not_Tperatse
One of the several that was considere< an "atypical adenoma" has rec
= in the last
year and now on reoperation shows microscopic features of carcinoma. Two == the patier.:
who originally were found’> have masses have continued to refuse exp oram=on or a recent reexamination by us. These observations have not been publishe ber=ase we have
hoped to camplete the observations <. all of the group.
The Kinetics cf Various Treatment Doses of 131y (An Adden

We have described in previous reports our accumulation of data
pattern of 151] iodinated amino acics and free iodide in the serum


the changing
and ur<nme and the

disappearance of 1°11 from the thyrcid following treatment doses for] hype-hyroidism.

Through the years we collected detailed data on over 75 Gr

patients following the treaunent doses.

These quantitative data we

B. Brill (Vanderbilt University) whc with his associates had been s
in models devised by Berson. These snalyses have then been related
‘the gland, the size of the dose give., the size or the dose lodged
finally the features of the clinical response that followed. We have
to review and comment on two rough xcanuscripts prepared by Dr. Bril¥
esting results from these studies. Answers to further questions ard
manuscripts are being revised. It = hoped that some definitions
termining the appropriate dose of 15-1 for given patients and for
Outcome by making certain early crivtical measurements.

drafts will soon be available for O=ther review.

tative chromato-

es' =“sease
givez to Dr. A.
ying this materia:
Oo the weight of
the zland and
ha= sn opportunit.
descbing interbeirz sought. The
be =sund for deer sedicting the

Dr. Brill tdlls == the new

The details of some of the mere recent experimental results
cor.z=ined in two
recently submitted Manuscripts. Cozies are attached. The reader i§ enco=aged to
review them because much of their coctent is not included in the pré@gres= re
Photocopies of the illustrations nave been used Dut actual photographs = show detail
can be provided. Reprints will be eévailable.

Select target paragraph3